Glossary of terms
This list is by no means exhaustive but emphasizes terms helpful to this resource, precise terms frequently used loosely, as well as those that may be unique to our office.
Interarch distance - the interridge distance; the vertical distance between the maxillary and mandibular dentate or edentulous arches under specified conditions. (Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, 9th edition.) Synonomous with interarch space.
Interocclusal - between the occlusal surfaces of opposing teeth. (Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, 9th edition.)
Restorative space - total 3-dimensional (3D) volume necessary to accommodate a particular construct that provides ideal tooth position while maintaining optimal material properties. (Carpentieri, et al. Hierarchy of restorative space required for different types of dental implant prostheses. JADA, 2019.)
Interocclusal rest distance - the difference between the rest vertical dimension and the occlusal vertical dimension. Synomous with freeway space and interocclusal rest space. (Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, 9th edition.)
Speaking space - the space that occurs between the incisal and/or occlusal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth during speech. (Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, 9th edition.)
Greenlight letter - this is what our office calls the letter from the placing surgeon stating that an implant has integrated and is ready for restoration. We will not schedule patient's for final impressions until this letter is received and reviewed by the restoring doctor.
Overbite - the vertical overlap of the maxillary teeth over the mandibular teeth. Expressed as a percentage.
Overjet - the horizontal distance between the teeth of the maxillary and mandibular teeth. Expressed as a measurement in millimeters.
Excursive / laterotrusive / working - all of these are generally used in relation to a side-to-side motion of the mandible or a contact made during a side-to-side motion of the mandible.
Centric contact - relating to a contact in a pure hinge motion.
Defensive occlusion - concept of designing a prosthesis to minimize occlusal adjustment and complications. In practice, this is generally accomplished by decreasing cuspal inclination giving flat occlusal tables with minimal overjet and overbite.
Interocclusal record - a clinical record that captures the maxillo-mandibular relationship. Synomous with bite record for the dentate patient.
Christensen phenomenon - the space that occurs between opposing posterior occlusal surfaces during mandibular protrusion. (JPD glossary of terms)
Compensating curve (aka: compensation curve, compensating curvature) - 1. the ante-roposterior curving (in the median plane) and the mediolateral curving (in the frontal plane) within the alignment of the occluding surfaces and incisal edges of artificial teeth that is used to develop balanced occlusion; 2. the arc introduced in the construction of complete removable dental prostheses to compensate for the opening influences produced by the condylar and incisal guidance’s during lateral and protrusive mandibular eccentric movements. (JPD GLossary of prosthodontic terms)
Many of these terms are borrowed from the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, 9th Edition.